Process Explorer is a really great tool for troubleshooting.

The tools for system administrators that we have selected are: In fact, they are probably the best ones available in the entire SysInternals suite, at least we think so anyway. Since we don’t have time to analyse all of them, we are going to look at 5 tools that tend to be quite useful on a daily basis. Image 1: Contents of the SysInternals suite The tools that we will look at today are found in “ Microsoft SysInternals”, a suite of tools and aids for systems technicians created by Mark Russinovich in 1996. These tools for system administrators can be downloaded from the Microsoft knowledge base, currently called “ Microsoft Docs”, where there are lots of manuals, documents, tutorials and even tools. Today, we will take a look at some of the tools provided by Microsoft that are not included in Windows. In fact, there are studies that show that technicians spend around 80% of their time solving recurring problems, whilst just 20% of their time is dedicated to operations, improvements, etc. Here at Jotelulu, we have been thinking about how we can help sysadmin to optimise their time, and we have decided that one way might be to provide some of the most useful tools for Windows system administrators. One of the biggest problems for systems administrators is that they are constantly firefighting, solving problems that need an immediate response, and therefore, dedicating less time to more important tasks like improving their IT infrastructure.